Program > Papers by author > Gutiérrez-Hita Carlos

An assessment of the liberalization and the evolution of competition in the Moroccan Mobile market
Soumaya Amassaghrou  1, *@  , Carlos Gutiérrez-Hita  2, *@  , Vita Zhukova  3, *@  
1 : Universitas Miguel Hernández  (UMH)  -  Website
av/UNiversidad s/n, Edif Torretamarit. Elche 03202 -  Spain
2 : Universitas Miguel Hernández  (UMH)  -  Website
av/Universidad, s/n. Edif La Galia. Elche 03202 -  Spain
3 : Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia  (UCAM)  -  Website
Av. de los Jerónimos, 135, 30107 Guadalupe de Maciascoque, Murcia -  Spain
* : Corresponding author

This paper analyses the liberalization process of the Moroccan mobile market since the beginning of the XXI century. Our database ranges from 2004 to the end of 2020. First, operators' market shares are presented and analyzed. Second, we build concentration indexes and other indicators of competitiveness. Finally, we conduct an econometric analysis to determine the extent to which regulatory measures, privatization, market structure and the population dimension determine market shares. Overall, we can argue that, although concentration remains high, the market has become more competitive since the liberalization process began. The statistical analysis and the econometric assessment show that the entrance of the third operator made the market more competitive. Indeed, there is evidence that operator companies competed to capture customers from each other during the period under study. These features suggest that mobile operators did not follow anticompetitive practices in order to restraint competition.

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